Sunday, December 2, 2012

Homophobia-Gender Socialization

In the modern world we are forced to confront issues, that used to be kept "in the closet". But, with the changes of the last years ignorance is no longer acceptable. There are people who do not fit into the typical image of a "man" or a "woman". Homosexuals, lesbians, transgender people and bisexuals are the most organized and prominent groups, but there are also the "PrincessBoys" and the "Tom-Girls" that do not conform to the "typical" gender roles of society; a society that hasn't altered it's ideas on gender roles since before the middle ages. 

Homophobia plays a role in gender socialization, because it enforces a very strict definition of the "norm"--this is especially true for boys and men. Boys will be victimized for any actions that seem to deviate from the social norm--which is anything that does not display strength and masculinity. But this form of socialization only spreads the hate and hostility towards homosexuals. 

A post that I found particularly enlightening was the post by Jerrica Fasy:
This story is a prime example of gender non-conformity. Why does it matter if a boy wants to where a dress, or if a girl wants to walk around in boys clothing? It's society. When we are young, we are taught to act and be a certain way. As a girl, we need to be proper and pretty, and as a boy they need to be masculine and tough. In my opinion, a person should be able to be whoever they want to be. I'm a girl, but I consider myself more of a tomboy I guess.  One day I will be wearing a cute dress, and the next I will be wearing a band tee, jeans, and a beanie. I see the controversy that the video is addressing, and it starts leading into the huge controversy of same love, or Gay marriage. In my opinion, its ridiculous that the world is still debating this topic. We're basing our beliefs off a book that was written 3500 years ago (Fasy 2012).
How a person develops is a personal process. Naturally outside factors play a role in the development, but there are certain facts that no one can change--and it is ridiculous to alter yourself based upon a "norm" that was formed over 3,500 years ago. 

The article "the Masculinity of the Governator" by Michael A. Messner examines the use of the idea of masculinity by Republican politicians to win votes. Using the example of the Governator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Messner displays how the Republicans garner voters' trust in times of danger and national insecurity and thrusts a feminized image onto more liberal and democratic opponents.

The Masculinity of the Governator: Muscle and Compassion in American Politics

Another article that deals more directly with the idea of gender socialization and understanding and accepting the people who do not live by the traditional man-woman gender roles defined by society is "I'm Glad I'm Not Gay!": Heterosexual Students' Emotional Experience in the College Classroom with a "Coming out" Assignment by Eleanor A. Hubbard and Kristine De Welde. It examines an assignment that is supposed to help foster an understanding, that no heterosexual person can have, of such a personal experience as coming out as gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual.

"I'm Glad I'm Not Gay!"

The YouTube video No To Homophobia - TV ads (2012) is an Australian TV-advertisement that challenges all members of the society to stop homo-, trans- and biphobic behavior. It displays various situations in which this behavior is exhibited in daily life. In each situation there is a witness of the crime who feel compelled to take action.

The NY Times Article Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay is an article that examines the situations surrounding the controversies surrounding some of the largest and most vocal haters of homosexuals.  A popular explanation for homophobia is what Freud called "reaction formation", which is negative feelings against others for that which is being suppressed within oneself. 

To go along with the article, I found a Homophobia Questionnaire made by PBS, as well as information about Homophobia and the story of Billy Jack Gaither.

I also found a site that explains and examines sexual prejudice in America. The site is in connection with the University of California Davis and has many interesting articles from Dr. Herek. 


Herek, Gregory. (2012, March 6). Sexual Prejudice. [Website] Retrieved from:

Hubbard, Elanor A. & De Welde, Kristine. (2003, January). "I'm Glad I'm Not Gay!": Heterosexual Students' Emotional Experience in the College Classroom with a "Coming out" Assignment. Teaching Sociology, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 73-84. Retrieved from

Messner, Michael A. (2007, August). The Masculinity of the Governator and Compassion in American Politics. Gender and Society, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 461-480. Retrieved from

No To Homophobia - TV Ads (2012, August 27). [video]. Retrieved from

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Website. (2000). Homophobia Questionnaire. Retrieved from

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Website. (2000). Assault on Gay America. Retrieved from

Ryan, Richard M. & Ryan, William S. (2012, April 27). Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay. New York Times. Retrieved from:

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